Awakened At Impact
A Story About Hope, Tragedy, Survival and Faith



Marine Seal WRGj drawingThere are certain moments when we are able to catch a glimpse of the unseen thread that connects our spirits with the physical world we live in. Regardless of your age, location, faith, or views on life, everyone who has lived or is alive today shares the same common aspects of human nature. We were all born tethered by a cord that once cut, puts us on a path toward the ultimate end we all share.

It is the seconds, minutes, hours, and years in between this period that we live independently, trapped inside our minds and bodies. Yet, as we live and experience life, we all have moments when our sense of spirit and connection with others comes together. It is in these moments we are able to see a semblance of purpose and reality that we are not alone. Alone in trying to understand why we are here and how to make sense of chaos in the midst of nature's harmony.

The stories shared here are intended to help capture the spirit of hope and purpose that lives inside us all. They deal with dreams, tragedy, survival, and faith. The intent is to show how what would appear to be random events are connected and lead to the true meaning of the Marine Corps motto, Semper Fi, always faithful.

Everyone mentioned within these stories is connected by a single event. Each has shown that regardless of the circumstances faced, they remain faithful to the spirit and memory that defines the very essence of human nature; only together can we ensure the freedom and liberty of the human spirit.

These stories are dedicated to those who sacrificed everything to provide us the understanding that there is a higher purpose than ourselves.